
    * GPS FURUNO GP-32 (2005)
* Portable GPS Etrex
JRC Radar 1500 MK2  (2005)
* Loch speedo depthmeter NAVMAN (2008)
* Wind anemometer NAVMAN (2008)     * VHF Transceiver CRM D72S, power 25 watts.
* ICOM M32 handheld VHF
* Radio SANGEAN shortwave receiver (for capturing RFI and weather fax)
* NASA AIS  with dedicaed antenna (detects cargos 16miles away)
* VHF Antenna masthead
* SSB radio antenna on backstay insulated.
* Iridium phone with data kid and dedicated antenna
*  Computer Panasonic Toughbook PCs under Windows XP with navigation software and  C maps

  The boat is driven by a  Gyro Pilot Navman G-Pilot with hydraulic tiller (2010) and by an Hydrovane Windwane in backup.

    In the cockpit, we have wind indicators (strength and direction), position of shifting keels,  speed, depth, and the pilot's control.
    The radar and GPS are also visible from the cockpit.